TASG Presents - All for The Way of Love: Heather Grace Gurd’s Spiritual Journey

March 22, 2025
Starts at 1PM Eastern Time/ 10 AM Pacific Time/ 6 PM In UK - Zoom link will be sent the day before the event

All for The Way of Love: Heather Grace Gurd’s Spiritual Journey

This celebratory presentation will relate the Near-Death Experience (NDE) and several of the Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STE’s) Heather has had. They each gifted her with life changing, and life saving lessons. Powerful and practical teachings and paradigms were received through these experiences. They not only guided and shaped Heather’s life, marriage, family, and career, but have helped many others. For example, her most recent, and highly acclaimed workshop for the Therapeutic Touch Network of Ontario, focused on how the study, experience and practice of the “Pyramid of True Relationship”* and the practice of  “Oneness Meditation through the Traditional and Harmonic Values of the Chartres Labyrinth 6 Petal Rose”* can instantly and profoundly affect our personal presence and touch as healers, family care givers, good friends, and community participants. (* paradigms received through NDE and STEs.) All are very welcome to this presentation which shares the illumination and birth of these simple paradigms which work the everyday miracles of peace and transformation.

Heather Gurd

Around 1961, age 4, Heather Gurd had a Near-Death Experience on the family farm. Returning from “heaven” came with many gifts as well as the heightened ability to perceive subtle energies. By age 5 she was called Nurse Heather. The Way of Love (Love God/ Love Each Other) became her innocent way of being. Defying medical challenges and diagnosis, Heather started her lifelong, conscious practice of yoking body, mind, and spirit through movement and meditation in 1977. She then began her exploration of consciousness and healing through experience, world travel, sacred sites, the study of world religions, philosophies, mythologies, storytelling, psychology, energy healing modalities, mystery schools, and sacred geometry. She received degrees from University of Waterloo, and Wilfred Laurier as well as an International Championship in Improv Comedy. By the early 90’s, Therapeutic Touch™ (TT) a modality created by nurses for nurses in the 70’s, became Heather’s anchoring holistic modality. ( Work bio here ) Heather has had several life changing Spiritually Transformative Experiences over the last 35 years, leading her to create her website: heathergracegurd.ca She guides a live meditation Sunday mornings at 11:00 a.m for The Way of Love as her way of giving back.


March 22, 2025
1:00 p.m.
March 22, 2025
2:30 p.m.
America/Halifax (-4:00)


Starts at 1PM Eastern Time/ 10 AM Pacific Time/ 6 PM In UK - Zoom link will be sent the day before the event


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