Speed Networking

September 25, 2024
CSI Annex Lounge 720 Bathurst St
Toronto, ON
Registration Closed


Wednesday, September 25th  at 6:00 p.m. EST

Meet your dream recruit ( or your next dream boss ! ), a potential customer ( or supplier you never knew existed ) , or just share the best tips about Toronto  ( work , life, fun and more ! )

At a time of year when we welcome many  newcomers in Toronto, it is a perfect opportunity to expand your network !

Register by sept 15th if you want to participate ( after that date registration will be open but you will be matched randomly) . Before sept 15th you will be able to indicate what you are looking for so that we can pre-organize meetings that will be a good fit for you ( check out the questions when you register )

Our Target is to have you meet as many people as possible ( around 10 one on one meetings )

Looking forward to a fun and productive event


6-6:30  pm : Welcome and explanation

6:30 -8:30 pm : Speed Networking

8:30-9 pm : Farewell and pack-up

Upcoming events :

Oct 30th (TBC) : Stay tuned for an upcoming surprise event in the works about the wine industry in Canada ( wine tasting is part of the program ! )

10th Entrepreneur Challenge ( Nov 27th ) : You can still submit your project ( https://www.aagefchallenge.com/ ) until sept 15th . You can already register to secure your spot as an attendee (https://guestli.st/781401 ).  You can also choose to sponsor the event ( contact@aagefontario.org )

We now have a whatsapp group. feel free to join https://chat.whatsapp.com/IWYZDMqqfG1L5uBiz8Z1Sq

Please note that tickets are not refundable. The reason is that we need to commit to the venue we booked and cannot get refunded . If you have a last minute issue, you can always transfer your ticket to someone else of your choice. You just need to let us know who with name,email, ­university, company and position. Thank you for your understanding

AAGEF Ontario includes alumni from the following Elite French Graduate Schools: Audencia Business School,Arts et Métiers Paris Tech, Ecoles Centrales, EDHEC Business School, EM Lyon, Grenoble Ecole de Management, ENA, ENS Normale Sup, ESSEC Business School, ESCP Business School, INSEAD Business School, Kedge Business School, Mines-Télécom, Neoma Business School, HEC Paris, Ecole  Polytechnique Paris, ENPC Paris Tech, Sciences Po , Supaéro,  Supélec , TBS Business School, Agro , ENSTA Paris Tech, Chimie Paris Tech, ENSAE Paris Tech, Sup Optique Paris Tech, ESPCI Paris Tech, Dauphine, INSA, TBS, Sorbonne, IAE, UTC...

AAGEF Ontario also includes alumni having participated in an exchange with one of AAGEF Ontario graduate schools, Honorary Members and Alumni Friends from other leading international universities.

Our Mission

To improve the recognition of the Elite French Graduate Schools among the Ontario Business Community

To facilitate and promote networking between our members and alumni from leading Ontario and Canadian Graduate Schools ( Engineering, Management, Public Administration ) as well as with  alumni from any other leading universities around the world or members of prestigious  business clubs in Toronto. In short , we are linking international business leaders​ in Ontario together

Watch the videos of past year's  Entrepreneur Challenges : https://www.aagefchallenge.com/

Visit our website: www.aagefontario.org


September 25, 2024
6:00 p.m.
September 25, 2024
9:00 p.m.
America/Toronto (-5:00)


CSI Annex Lounge 720 Bathurst St
720 Bathurst St
Toronto ON M5S 2R4

View Map


  • Speed Networking
    Ticket cost includes participation to the rental cost . There will be a bar and drinks will be on top. $8/glass of wine $8/tall can of beer/cider $2/ pop/flavoured bubbly water
  • Speed Networking : Benefactor
    Ticket cost includes participation to the rental cost . You can also participate to the other costs of AAGEF Ontario . Thank you so much There will be a bar and drinks will be on top. $8/glass of wine $8/tall can of beer/cider $2/ pop/flavoured bubbly water
Organized By

AAGEF Ontario is the Elite French Graduate Schools / Universities Alumni Association working and living in Ontario. This is the equivalent of the Ivy League from the very best Graduate Schools / Universities in France. https://www.linkedin.com/company/aagefontario
