During services, we'll read parashat Yitro, which includes the revelation of the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai.
Supervised childcare will be provided in Makom's playroom during services.
Lunch is generously sponsored by Aviva Ben-Choreen and Jonathan Freedman in honour of their daughter Elishua reading Torah for her first time!
Lunch is free; donations are greatly appreciated!
At lunch, Ori Werdiger will teach on "What Matters More: Sinai or Purim?"
The revelation at Sinai, also known as the giving of the Torah, is a fundamental event for Jewish history, liturgy, and thought. However, for Rav Yehudah Léon Askenazi (Manitou), the carnivalesque holiday of Purim stands for an even more important event than the Sinai revelation. We will learn and discuss this approach by Askenazi, a Sepharadi kabbalist, intellectual, and one of the spiritual leaders of French Jewry in the second half of the twentieth century.
Dr. Ori Werdiger is a postdoctoral fellow at the Anne Tanenbaum Centre for Jewish Studies at the University of Toronto. He is currently working on a book project on Jewish existentialism, diaspora, and biblical hermeneutics in postwar France.
Please come on time so we can start services strong with a double minyan,* especially for anyone saying kaddish.
Covid Precautions
To make services safer for community members who have health concerns, everyone age 5+ must wear a surgical or higher-quality mask (KN-95, KF-94, etc.) throughout services. Children 2-4 can wear any mask they'll keep on. We'll provide masks for those who don’t have.
After services conclude and folks who aren't staying have a chance to leave, those staying for lunch are welcome to remove their masks.
*As a diverse and inclusive Jewish community, Makom has mens', womens', and mixed seating sections. Female, male, and gender non-binary Jews can lead parts of services, read and be called up to the Torah, and count in our double minyanim of both 10 Jewish men and 10 Jews regardless of gender. Makom services follow the traditional Ashkenazi liturgy (prayer text).
Makom: Creative Downtown Judaism is an inclusive community fusing Jewish tradition and progressive values through spirituality, learning and culture. Makom inspires diverse participants to explore together how Judaism can meaningfully enrich our lives.