We'd love to have you be part of our inclusive community throughout the year.
Please become a Makom Member to ensure we’ll be able to continue providing Jewish spirituality, learning, and culture throughout this challenging time and that we’ll still be around to offer joyous High Holiday services next year.
Makom can survive COVID closures and the economic downturn, but we really do need your help. Thank you in advance for your membership contribution.
Do you...
...believe in Makom and our vision of an inclusive Jewish community fusing Jewish tradition and progressive values through spirituality, learning, and culture?
...value a diverse community that leaves labels aside and comes together to explore how Judaism can meaningfully enrich our lives?
...participate in Makom’s uplifting and inspiring Shabbat or holiday services, Shabbat dinners, family programs, adult ed classes, Makom Afterschool & ATID, meditation or cultural events?
...make use of Rabbi Aaron's spiritual guidance, halakhic advice, pastoral counseling, or lifecycle event officiation?
If you answered yes to any of the above, then you should be a Makom Member!
Your support enables Makom to continue to go and to grow.
Makom can survive COVID closures and the economic downturn, but we really do need your help.
*FREE admission to most Makom programs throughout the year;
*Discounts on Shabbat dinners and lunches;
*Access to Rabbi Aaron for spiritual guidance, halakhic advice, pastoral counseling, and lifecycle events;
*A voting voice in Makom’s decision making; and
*Deep satisfaction that you’re building your Jewish community.
Makom Membership is accessible to all, no matter your financial circumstances! Due to the pandemic, we’ve halved our regular and reduced membership rates. It’s a core Makom value that finances should never be an impediment to Jewish life, so if neither of those amounts is feasible for you, please pay what you can. Kids and teens are free!
If you can afford to contribute more than the regular membership rate, please become a supporting or sustaining member to help keep our community going strong.
Every level of support includes all of the above benefits. And you can donate upfront or monthly. Your membership donation is fully tax deductible.
If you have any questions, please contact Adina Gamse, Makom's Managing Director.
Makom: Creative Downtown Judaism is an inclusive community fusing Jewish tradition and progressive values through spirituality, learning and culture. Makom inspires diverse participants to explore together how Judaism can meaningfully enrich our lives.