Netflix Watch Party with Just One Cookbook

May 17, 2020
Virtual Event
Registration Closed

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged our lives in nearly every sense — from how we think and communicate, to our daily routines and work habits. But through these challenges, many of us have rediscovered the joy and satisfaction of cooking at home using minimal ingredients.

On Sunday May 17 at 3 PM CST, we invite you to join JETAA Chicago for a virtual Netflix Watch Party. We will watch Episode 1 of the Netflix series, “Midnight Diner,” about a chef whose late night diner attracts an array of interesting characters every night in the early hours of the morning as the rest of Tokyo sleeps. Joining us will be Seimi Rurup, social media coordinator of the Japanese cooking website Just One Cookbook. Seimi grew up in New Jersey and is heavily influenced by Japanese, Korean, and Italian cooking. She will share general cooking tips and discuss different ways to make the main dish featured in Episode 1 of Midnight Diner (“Tan-men” タンメン).

Participants also will receive a PDF of cooking tips curated by JETAA Chicago Philanthropy Coordinator Sheila Burt, with input from her brother, Robert Burt. Robert has nearly two decades of experience in the food industry and is a certified sommelier and cheese expert.

After signing up, participants will be emailed the PDF and receive a Netflix Watch Party link on the day of the event. The event is free and open to both JETAA alumni and Friends of JET, but participants must have a Netflix account and download the Netflix Party Google Chrome extension prior to the event.

Questions? Contact us at

Looking forward to getting virtual with y'all. #JETogether2020!

JETAA Chicago Leadership Board


  • • For safety and security purposes please DO NOT share the direct event link, numbers, or passwords publicly. In addition, to create a supportive space for all along with to respect and abide by JETAA Chicago chapter operations, data practices and Community Conduct & Agreements, all attendees must RSVP via Guestlist event.
  • • Photo from Just One Cookbook's recipe for Tan-Men (
  • • Registering for this event gives permission for JETAA Chicago to communicate with you via email.


May 17, 2020
3:00 p.m.
May 17, 2020
4:00 p.m.
America/Chicago (-6:00)


Virtual Event
Please Download Netflix Party Google Chrome Extension
(conference link will be sent via email prior to event)


  • JET Alumni RSVP
    Join your fellow alumni for a night of fun conversation and relaxation.
  • Friend of JET
Organized By

JETAA Chicago is the alumni association for past JET Programme participants that live in the Chicagoland area and two subchapter states of Wisconsin & Indiana. Majority of events and initiatives are for JET alumni, and there are some events that will indicate where the community and "Friend/Family of JET"(FOJ) are welcome to join. The JETAA Chicago Leadership Board can be contacted via email: For more frequently asked questions, go to Thank you and let's #JETogether!